Liebster Award – full of win

Many thanks go to Pam at Moonlightreader for tagging me with the Liebster Award.  This award is for bloggers with fewer than 200 followers.  Awardees get to share 11 facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions written by the person who tagged them, choose 11 more questions, and tag 11 more bloggers to answer those 11 questions (makey sensey?).

11 facts about me:

  1. I love bacon.
  2. I have two kids, a 3-year-old and a 16-month-old.
  3. I am a Californian.
  4. I sing alto in my church’s choir.
  5. I have a really loud laugh.
  6. I tend to be too candid.
  7. I’m really tall (6’2″, when I actually stand up straight).
  8. I’m a total grammar Nazi, but I don’t think the rules of grammar should apply to informal speech (informal writing, yes, but spoken language and written language are two totally different monkeys), and it bugs me when folks correct other folks’ speech.
  9. I’m listening to Elvis’ “In the Ghetto” right now, and it always makes me think about South Park.
  10. I am a terrible dancer, and I have no shame…
  11. I wear flip-flops every day, unless it’s raining (they’re a death trap in the rain… no traction).

11 questions posed by Pam at Moonlight Reader:

  1. Name your all-time favorite book/series – My favorite series is Harry Potter, hands down.  My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice.
  2. Who is your favorite musician? – It’s a tie between Tori Amos and Radiohead
  3. Do you prefer Jay Leno or David Letterman? – Actually, I prefer Stephen Colbert, but if I have to choose between those two, I guess it’s Leno.  Letterman annoys me.
  4. What is your favorite dinner? – Meat loaf, cheesy mashed potatoes, and sautéed green beans, all made by my husband.  He’s a cook.
  5. What did you dress up as last Halloween? – I was ill-prepared, so I just slapped on some running clothes.  My favorite Halloween costume involved me wearing my normal clothes and carrying a sign: “Nudist on Strike.”  I like to be comfortable.
  6. What book are you currently anticipating being released? – A Lady by Midnight by Tessa Dare.  Love her books…
  7. What’s your favorite movie? – The Three Amigos.  🙂
  8. What blog/blogs do you frequent most often? – Well, I follow a bunch of blogs, but Beauty in Budget Blog wins because it’s written by one of my best friends. 🙂
  9. Do you stay up extra late to read a good book or just go to bed and finish it the next day? – Yes… I stay up as late as I can, but at some point my husband starts muttering in his sleep about how annoying it is that I don’t just go to bed….  But yeah, I forego sleep to keep following a good story more than I should.
  10. If you could have any car, what kind would it be? – I’d like to have a hybrid something or other (or a Tesla).
  11. What’s your favorite holiday? – Thanksgiving.  I absolutely love that meal, and my husband wraps our turkey in bacon (BACON!!!) when he cooks it.  Seriously:

Turkey with a bacon breastplate

My Liebster Award nominees (read: winners):

  1. Libby’s Book Blog
  2. 365 Books a Year
  3. Lightningpen’s Blog
  4. The Literary Bunny
  5. trinity’s world
  6. Reader’s Confession
  7. Love, Literature, Art, and Reason
  8. Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews
  9. Escapism from Reality
  10. Vicariously
  11. The Diary of a Book Addict

My 11 questions for these 11 blogs:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. Who is your favorite character from a book or movie?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. Do you still like to fingerpaint?
  5. Regarding Mr. Clean: creepy cleaning supervisor or great helper?
  6. What got you into reading in the first place?
  7. What kind of books do you normally read?
  8. How long have you been blogging?
  9. What’s your favorite thing about blogging?
  10. Do you accept (or beg for, as the case may be) ARCs, or do you prefer to read/review your own books?
  11. If you know you’re going to write on your blog about a book that you’re reading, do you take notes?
Well, folks, that’s all.  I just want to thank Pam @ Moonlight Reader once again… I had such a blast running around and finding 11 blogs to tag!